Miss Grace: Lori McVajVaj
Miss Grace: Rita Hump
Miss Grace: Incapable of not staring at the TV
Miss Grace: Blood.
Miss Grace: Don't pay that no mind
Miss Grace: Mira looks concerned
Miss Grace: Do you want to know what they're describing?
Miss Grace: con Mira
Miss Grace: Jenny (not me)
Miss Grace: Ponder
Miss Grace: Embarrassed?
Miss Grace: Commiserating on their brownness
Miss Grace: Jenny keeping tidy
Miss Grace: Drinking cheap champagne
Miss Grace: Vagilina LaWhore
Miss Grace: Cutes
Miss Grace: Not a picture of me
Miss Grace: Drive
Miss Grace: Slightly Crowded
Miss Grace: We were in line for awhile
Miss Grace: Aurora do you love this picture?
Miss Grace: Miralove
Miss Grace: Sometimes I REALLY think pictures of my sister are pictures of me, so that's confusing.