shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - close-up
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - preparing step 1
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - step 1
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - preparing step 2
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - step 2
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - preparing step 3
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - step 3
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - turn over
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - step 4
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - finished
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - pulling the sides apart
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - et voilá
shashinjutsu: Howto: Japanese Switchback Cut - the end result
shashinjutsu: Last step of the Switchback Cut