gr8matt: Faith getting her hair done
gr8matt: Faith all ready to be a flower girl!
gr8matt: Gabbie with her hair all done
gr8matt: The wedding party and guests
gr8matt: Morgan as the matron of honor
gr8matt: Morgan and best man Tommy
gr8matt: Gabbie and Faith as the flower girls
gr8matt: Elizabeth and her dad
gr8matt: Elizabeth and Matt
gr8matt: Elizabeth and Matt
gr8matt: Elizabeth and Matt
gr8matt: Elizabeth and Matt Anderson
gr8matt: Elizabeth and Matt Anderson witih Gabbie and Faith
gr8matt: Papa (grandpa) with Gabbie and Faith
gr8matt: Elizabeth and Matt dancing
gr8matt: Elizabeth dancing with Gabbie and Faith
gr8matt: Mimi (grandma) dancing with Faith
gr8matt: Matt and Faith