Madsound: TM & TJ
Madsound: TM & TJ
Madsound: TM & TJ
Madsound: TM & TJ
Madsound: Hill? Hill?
Madsound: Hill? Hill?
Madsound: nice pipes.
Madsound: Go Blue.
Madsound: in the mezzanine
Madsound: "Doctor L. Evan Michael"
Madsound: the doc on stage
Madsound: and it's official.
Madsound: hugs
Madsound: more hugs
Madsound: smiles
Madsound: more smiles
Madsound: he ain't heavy, he's my cousin!
Madsound: the doc prescribes bourbon for me
Madsound: and now
Madsound: what's next
Madsound: the doc has to return his dress
Madsound: doc, i got this growth
Madsound: the white cords mean he's a pimp
Madsound: yeah!
Madsound: dudes.
Madsound: redhead
Madsound: evelyn loves the new york strip
Madsound: TM and evelyn see eye to eye
Madsound: lauren isn't this blurry in real life
Madsound: TM & DM