Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Djibouti Minister of Education at a meeting with parents
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Djibouti Minister of Education meets with parents and school faculty
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Parents meet with school faculty and Djibouti Minister of Education
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Radio as a teaching and learning tool
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A radio booth for distance learning
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Teachers and students of the
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A student at Prince of Wales Senior School. Sierra Leone
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Students in the court yard
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A student at Freetown Secondary School for girls
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A teacher and her student
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Joseph and his sister, Liberia
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: School hygiene station, Cambodia
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Denise David, 17 with her daughter Jenneh David, 9 months, Liberia
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Johnson Sanyon, 17 and his three sisters Billy Town, Liberia
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Miatta, 14 studying while her aunt Bendy works, Liberia
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Students washing hands before entering their classroom
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A young girl has her temperature checked before entering her classroom
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Young girl washing hands before entering his classroom
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Girls and boys line up to have their temperature taken before entering their classroom
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Students line up to have their temperature taken before entering their classroom
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Cambodia Community Preschools
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A student looks into his classroom