Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A student at Tila Primary School. Benin
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: School latrines for girls
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A teacher and her students in class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A teacher and his students in class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A student solves a math problem
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Students in physical education class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Students in physical education class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: The Collège d'enseignement général of Sô-Ava
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Young girls write on their slates
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Students hold up their chalk boards
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A teacher and her student at the blackboard
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A young girl writes on her chalkboard
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A teacher and her students in class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Young students take a boat to get to school
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Young students boarding a boat to get to school
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Young students on the steps of their school
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Children get snacks at recess
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Children get snacks at recess
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A primary school student in class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A young girl at the blackboard
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: Learning prompts on the blackboard
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: 1st grade students in class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A young student in class
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: A girl and a boy in class - 1st grade
Global Partnership for Education - GPE: 1st grade students in class