George Pachantouris: Streets of Lille
George Pachantouris: Old town of Lille
George Pachantouris: Cobble stone street
George Pachantouris: Shopping center
George Pachantouris: French cafe in Lille
George Pachantouris: Pink boutique
George Pachantouris: Streets of Lille
George Pachantouris: Shoppers in Lille
George Pachantouris: Ville Lille after the rain
George Pachantouris: Ville Lille
George Pachantouris: Scooter lights
George Pachantouris: Charle de'Gaulle square, Lille
George Pachantouris: Concert in the church
George Pachantouris: Sword fighting
George Pachantouris: Cute old dog
George Pachantouris: Painter in action
George Pachantouris: Queuing for an Opera ticket..
George Pachantouris: Shopping center
George Pachantouris: Streets of Lille in B&W
George Pachantouris: B&W with a hint of blue
George Pachantouris: Walking to the light..
George Pachantouris: Preparing sweet delicacies..
George Pachantouris: Reflections in B&W
George Pachantouris: Bright store
George Pachantouris: Morning in Lille
George Pachantouris: Cute bistro
George Pachantouris: Brasserie in Lille
George Pachantouris: French cafe in Lille