George Pachantouris: Tour d'eiffel
George Pachantouris: Arc de triomphe
George Pachantouris: Detail from Opera de Paris
George Pachantouris: Opera de Paris main hall
George Pachantouris: Lomo pic from Paris
George Pachantouris: Bridge ove La Seine
George Pachantouris: Candy store near Notre Dame
George Pachantouris: Garden detail
George Pachantouris: Notre Dame de Paris
George Pachantouris: Street lamp detail
George Pachantouris: Tour d'eiffel
George Pachantouris: Parisian bistro
George Pachantouris: Parisian bistro
George Pachantouris: Parisian bistro
George Pachantouris: Walking on the Seine river, Paris
George Pachantouris: Walking on the Seine river, Paris
George Pachantouris: Walking on the Seine river, Paris
George Pachantouris: Walking on the Seine river, Paris
George Pachantouris: Walking on the Seine river, Paris
George Pachantouris: Walking on the Seine river, Paris
George Pachantouris: Walking on the Seine river, Paris
George Pachantouris: Biscuterie, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris
George Pachantouris: Streets of Montmartre, Paris