George Pachantouris: Forgotten..
George Pachantouris: View from the "Panagia Eleousa" church
George Pachantouris: Birds on Great Prespa
George Pachantouris: Great Prespes
George Pachantouris: Little Prespes
George Pachantouris: Little Prespes
George Pachantouris: Little Prespes
George Pachantouris: Nikos Zachariadis Cave
George Pachantouris: Stairs to Zachariadis Cave
George Pachantouris: Great Presepes
George Pachantouris: Platform on Lake Little Prespa
George Pachantouris: Lake Orestias
George Pachantouris: Dispilio prehistoric settlement representation, detail
George Pachantouris: Dispilio prehistoric settlement representation
George Pachantouris: Dispilio prehistoric settlement representation
George Pachantouris: Dispilio prehistoric settlement representation
George Pachantouris: Dispilio prehistoric settlement representation
George Pachantouris: Floating house in Lake Orestias