gp sachs: 000019
gp sachs: DSC02020
gp sachs: DSC02021
gp sachs: 000017
gp sachs: DSC02103
gp sachs: FxCam_1274209462663
gp sachs: 20100605_arranjos_casamento_036
gp sachs: 20100311_zilah_067
gp sachs: 20100311_zilah_011
gp sachs: flor e gota
gp sachs: butterfly on a yellow flower
gp sachs: little red dandelions
gp sachs: DSC00884
gp sachs: 20100604_arranjos_casamento_001
gp sachs: Lillies, I guess
gp sachs: bug over purple flower
gp sachs: yellow on yellow
gp sachs: IMGP2429
gp sachs: rosemary flowers #5
gp sachs: hocus pocus #2
gp sachs: lilly and perfume
gp sachs: bee on yellow flower
gp sachs: fenced flower
gp sachs: flower after the rain
gp sachs: DSC_1121
gp sachs: dandelions 007
gp sachs: dandelions 002
gp sachs: framed by flowers
gp sachs: two blocks away from home #3
gp sachs: I'll bee home #2