geraldfigal: savage shroom
geraldfigal: savage shroom
geraldfigal: spokes on the garden gnome's bicycle
geraldfigal: spokes on the garden gnome's bicycle
geraldfigal: shroom shark
geraldfigal: conversion conversation
geraldfigal: bubble forest I
geraldfigal: bubble forest II
geraldfigal: bubble forest III
geraldfigal: bubble forest IV
geraldfigal: spectrum scoop I
geraldfigal: spectrum scoop II
geraldfigal: The bug on Jizô's bib
geraldfigal: merlin in the forest
geraldfigal: flag of a nation yet unnamed
geraldfigal: solar radiation
geraldfigal: escape velocity
geraldfigal: orbiting venus
geraldfigal: ribs of the other crystal dinosaur
geraldfigal: ribs of the crystal dinosaur
geraldfigal: rings of an unknown planet
geraldfigal: round flat round
geraldfigal: milk and honey
geraldfigal: just like honey
geraldfigal: the chosen two
geraldfigal: the chosen one
geraldfigal: angel birth
geraldfigal: unspiraled
geraldfigal: unspirling
geraldfigal: detail from the crime scene