geraldfigal: Rainbow Over Flathead Lake, Montana
geraldfigal: Clouds Over Flathead Lake
geraldfigal: This is not snow
geraldfigal: Go no further
geraldfigal: Teethy thing on a ranch
geraldfigal: More teethy things on a ranch
geraldfigal: Blades of rust on a ranch
geraldfigal: Blades of rust on a ranch
geraldfigal: Springs
geraldfigal: Springs
geraldfigal: Springs
geraldfigal: Springs
geraldfigal: Springs
geraldfigal: Springs
geraldfigal: Lake McDonald at Dusk
geraldfigal: Lights on the Lake
geraldfigal: Serious noodling
geraldfigal: Blissful spinning
geraldfigal: Swinging cousins
geraldfigal: This is not crystal
geraldfigal: Mountain
geraldfigal: Tractor seat
geraldfigal: Tractor
geraldfigal: Streetlight
geraldfigal: Liquid Rock
geraldfigal: Liquid Rocks
geraldfigal: Mountain Boats
geraldfigal: Lake McDonald, Glacier Park
geraldfigal: Beloved and the Big Root
geraldfigal: As the chipmunk saw it