Presidential Museum and Library: Small native village on the island of Negros.
Presidential Museum and Library: Characteristic of landscape view near Iloilo, at the ebb-tide and sunset.
Presidential Museum and Library: A village on the island of Gu Maris.
Presidential Museum and Library: The noted bamboo bridge or original construction, connecting Iloilo with Jaro.
Presidential Museum and Library: California volunteers at the presidio waiting orders to depart for Manila.
Presidential Museum and Library: Royal street, the leading thoroughfare of Iloilo
Presidential Museum and Library: The centre of interest in the Philippine crisis--general view of Iloilo.
Presidential Museum and Library: Buldings at Iloilo built by natives from the corrugated iron roofing of destroyed dwellings.
Presidential Museum and Library: A street in Harro after the American occupation.
Presidential Museum and Library: Harro, Island of Panay, with American flag flying at headquarters of eighteenth United States Regulars.
Presidential Museum and Library: View from the Spanish residential part of Iloilo, looking toward nipa houses of natives, who are Viscayans.
Presidential Museum and Library: The nineteenth infantry, with Colonel Jacob H. Smith at their head, returning from a fight with the Filipinos.
Presidential Museum and Library: Tha Plaza Alfonso XII in Iloilo.