Presidential Museum and Library: Japanese Capture of Corregidor (May 5-6, 1942)
Presidential Museum and Library: Battery Positions Corregidor Island (Fort Mills)
Presidential Museum and Library: Evacuation Routes (February - March 1942)
Presidential Museum and Library: Harbor Defense of Manila
Presidential Museum and Library: Air Battle (December 1941)
Presidential Museum and Library: Japanese Bombing in December 1941
Presidential Museum and Library: After Pearl Harbor: Conquering Japanese haul down American flag flying over Corregidor and replace it with theirs.
Presidential Museum and Library: The general's party motors past cheering Manilans.
Presidential Museum and Library: Part of the crowd that lined both sides of Rizal Avenue.
Presidential Museum and Library: Japanese Army officers welcome their commander
Presidential Museum and Library: Executive commissioners await the general's arrival.
Presidential Museum and Library: Chairman Jorge B. Vargas reads a message shortly after his arrival of the general, listening at left.
Presidential Museum and Library: "BANZAI", shout these Japanese soldiers
Presidential Museum and Library: Mopping up inside the main fortress
Presidential Museum and Library: Star-spangled banner makes way for the Rising sun
Presidential Museum and Library: An artillery position, victim of Japanese cannonading
Presidential Museum and Library: One of the landing parties coming after the three waves of crack troops on steel barges
Presidential Museum and Library: Debris in barrio San Jose
Presidential Museum and Library: A retractable gun emplacement that got hit as a result of incessant Japanese bombings
Presidential Museum and Library: A close-up of an entrance to fortification tunnel
Presidential Museum and Library: This is what a heavy-caliber bomb can do.
Presidential Museum and Library: Another contingent of captives stand at attention while Japanese soldiers inspect for arms.
Presidential Museum and Library: Japanese troops accompany prisoners to the concentration point.
Presidential Museum and Library: Four American prisoners wait for orders from their captain.
Presidential Museum and Library: American soldiers, now prisoners of war, relax, perhaps for the first time in five months.
Presidential Museum and Library: Saluting the flag is Lieutenant General Masaharu Honma, commander-in-chief of the Japanese forces in the Philippines