Presidential Museum and Library:
General Orientation Map
Presidential Museum and Library:
Dispositions of Manila Naval Defense Force, January 21, 1945
Presidential Museum and Library:
Organization Chart, Imperial Japanese Manila Naval Defense Force
Presidential Museum and Library:
Organization Chart
Presidential Museum and Library:
Diagram of typical Japanese installations for defense of a street intersection, South Manila
Presidential Museum and Library:
U.S. Army sketch of the map around Bilibid Prison
Presidential Museum and Library:
Pillbox in Manila (1945)
Presidential Museum and Library:
Pillbox at Paco R.R. Station
Presidential Museum and Library:
Japanese Pillbox Construction
Presidential Museum and Library:
Typical Pillbox
Presidential Museum and Library:
Street and Building Organization
Presidential Museum and Library:
U.S. Army sketch of the Japanese fortifications of Taft and Vito Cruz streets in Manila
Presidential Museum and Library:
Map of Port Area, Manila
Presidential Museum and Library:
Drive to Intramuros (February 13 - 22, 1945)
Presidential Museum and Library:
Unclassified U.S. Army sketch of Intramuros with Japanese installations and armaments
Presidential Museum and Library:
Map of Intramuros fortifications
Presidential Museum and Library:
Fortification of Intramuros and nearby areas
Presidential Museum and Library:
Street and Building Organization
Presidential Museum and Library:
Unclassified U.S. Army sketch of Japanese emplacements within the Legislative Building
Presidential Museum and Library:
U.S. Army sketch of Japanese military installations in the Finance Building
Presidential Museum and Library:
Eliminating Last Resistance (Feb 23 - March 3, 1945)