govindakai: Surfing Waves of Energy and Light
govindakai: Reducing the Ego So that the Heart Can Open
govindakai: Celestial Frog
govindakai: I Give All of Myself to that Which is True
govindakai: The Energy that Feeds Me
govindakai: The Breath Takes Me into Impossible Places
govindakai: I am the Bridge Between Heaven and Earth
govindakai: I am the Mountain that Holds Up the Sky
govindakai: Opening the Spaces Between My Cells
govindakai: Truth is that which Does Not Change
govindakai: We are All Infinity
govindakai: Cross My Heart Before I Fly
govindakai: Flying From the Ground Up
govindakai: Defying Gravity One Posture At a Time
govindakai: The Strength That Comes From Beyond
govindakai: Fluid and Strong Like The Ocean
govindakai: Make Your Life a Monument to Truth
govindakai: Stillness is a Place That Cannot be Described
govindakai: Emulating That Which Knows No Bounds
govindakai: Who are We Not to Realize Our Potential?
govindakai: The Calm in the Storm
govindakai: Bring Prayer Into Every Moment
govindakai: Putting Our Fears Behind Us
govindakai: Dignity and Humility As One
govindakai: Bringing the Ego Forward and Down
govindakai: Praise the Body/Light Fantastic
govindakai: Practice, Practice, Practice
govindakai: Making the Impossible Possible
govindakai: Yogi Sleep
govindakai: Staying Awake in the Midst of My Dreams