GovdocsGwen: Dong Xuan supermarket
GovdocsGwen: Corridor in Dong Xuan Center
GovdocsGwen: Clothing shop in Dong Xuan Center
GovdocsGwen: Clothing shop in Dong Xuan Center
GovdocsGwen: Clothing shop in Dong Xuan Center
GovdocsGwen: Mannekins with bindis in Dong Xuan Center
GovdocsGwen: Cafe-Bar Datscha, Berlin
GovdocsGwen: Vorderasien in Altertum
GovdocsGwen: Ishtar Gate fragment
GovdocsGwen: Detail of Ishtar Gate procession
GovdocsGwen: Persian ceramic tile with hunt scene
GovdocsGwen: Persian glass vase with hunting scene
GovdocsGwen: Linda in cafe
GovdocsGwen: Hieroglyphics fragment
GovdocsGwen: Happy family scene
GovdocsGwen: Animal scene
GovdocsGwen: Sarcophagus of Padi-Iset
GovdocsGwen: Mittelpunktbibliothek, Berlin-Schöneweide
GovdocsGwen: Mittelpunktbibliothek, Berlin-Schöneweide
GovdocsGwen: Kulturbrauerei building
GovdocsGwen: Kulturbrauerei on Saturday morning
GovdocsGwen: Kulturbrauerei building
GovdocsGwen: Kulturbrauerei Biergarten
GovdocsGwen: Kulturbrauerei with smokestack
GovdocsGwen: Interior of Kulturbrauerei
GovdocsGwen: Kulturbrauerei interior, REWE
GovdocsGwen: Exterior of Kulturbrauerei
GovdocsGwen: Iron gate, Kulturbrauerei
GovdocsGwen: Wolf Kaiser