GovdocsGwen: Botanical Garden Glass
GovdocsGwen: Bamberg half-timbered houses
GovdocsGwen: Pulpit, St. Michael's church
GovdocsGwen: Typical German meal
GovdocsGwen: Fountain
GovdocsGwen: National Archives
GovdocsGwen: Vorosmarty Ter subway station
GovdocsGwen: Memento Park
GovdocsGwen: Interior, Parliament
GovdocsGwen: Alte Pinakothek Gallery
GovdocsGwen: At the Augustinerbrau
GovdocsGwen: Surfin' the Eisbach
GovdocsGwen: Elaborate doorway
GovdocsGwen: Nymphenburg interior
GovdocsGwen: Nymphenburg wedding
GovdocsGwen: Theatinerkirche Interior (2)
GovdocsGwen: Albrecht Durer House
GovdocsGwen: IMG_3439
GovdocsGwen: Stephanskirche at sunset
GovdocsGwen: Weissgerbergasse 31 90403 Nurnberg.
GovdocsGwen: Dunasziget Sign
GovdocsGwen: Esztergom Basilica
GovdocsGwen: Esztergom Basilica
GovdocsGwen: Esztergom Basilica
GovdocsGwen: Flooded Road, Szendendrei Island