GourleyGirl: beautiful alcove santa fe
GourleyGirl: san antonio hot springs
GourleyGirl: Jemez river
GourleyGirl: On the way to Jemez
GourleyGirl: Where did I put those keys?
GourleyGirl: religous experience
GourleyGirl: Evil Bush
GourleyGirl: Santa Fe Art
GourleyGirl: Queen of Starbucks?
GourleyGirl: Losing the snowball fight
GourleyGirl: Kelly looking at a wedding book
GourleyGirl: White cars
GourleyGirl: Casa Rodena
GourleyGirl: It was pouring
GourleyGirl: Checking out places for her wedding
GourleyGirl: Sadies
GourleyGirl: Kelly and Randy
GourleyGirl: Georgia O'Keefe made me do it
GourleyGirl: New Mexico weirdness
GourleyGirl: um...okay
GourleyGirl: Cheap lamp and color
GourleyGirl: The Sandia's
GourleyGirl: In the Jemez
GourleyGirl: More Craggy Rocks
GourleyGirl: Jemez Village
GourleyGirl: Craggy Rocks
GourleyGirl: On my own in the Jemez
GourleyGirl: Amazing NM sky
GourleyGirl: house with horno (oven)