GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Arnst from LOST and Matt Busch
GrantGoBoom: Arnst from LOST and Matt Busch
GrantGoBoom: Arnst from LOST and Matt Busch
GrantGoBoom: Arnst from LOST and Grant Gould
GrantGoBoom: Exorcist Kilian Plunkett & Chris Trevas
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Toy Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Toy Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Got to see my buddy Paul again
GrantGoBoom: Got to meet my LJ pal Melody -- she's cool people
GrantGoBoom: Leah, Cynthia & Chris
GrantGoBoom: Meee-yow
GrantGoBoom: Arrested for being too awesome
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: The Art Area
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: My best customers :)
GrantGoBoom: Some Red Sonja action for the PJ-meister
GrantGoBoom: My online pal Chris and I
GrantGoBoom: Jack.. Jack Sparraahh..
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: The ladies call him JAKe
GrantGoBoom: The end of the show.. Ken the ElvisTrooper sheds an epic tear..