GrantGoBoom: The convention center
GrantGoBoom: Celebration IV Crowd
GrantGoBoom: Celebration IV Crowd
GrantGoBoom: Russ Walks & Imperial Pals
GrantGoBoom: Damn my shaky hand!
GrantGoBoom: Me and the guys from THE TOTALLY RAD SHOW
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Coolest Chewie art I've ever seen
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Bonnie, Matt & Tom at their book signing
GrantGoBoom: *toot*
GrantGoBoom: Russell and some more costume goodness
GrantGoBoom: Russellz Gang, yo
GrantGoBoom: Joyyyy
GrantGoBoom: MORE joyyy
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Chris in a Costume Goodness Sandwich
GrantGoBoom: Jake on the left -- Kilian on the right
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: I met Ron Moore... I geeked out. He's awesome.
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: I just thought this Supergirl statue was hot.. o.o
GrantGoBoom: I finally got to meet my longtime online pal Andy in person
GrantGoBoom: Costume Goodness
GrantGoBoom: I luvs me some Young Beru.