gottShar: Sharona and Miri
gottShar: gals
gottShar: January08_99_20
gottShar: me and babushka
gottShar: yehuda and sharona
gottShar: ruthie and sharona (2)
gottShar: me and jr (1)
gottShar: arm warmers!
gottShar: me and ra
gottShar: 161843843-L
gottShar: 161840634-L
gottShar: Sharona and Chris
gottShar: Reese look alike?
gottShar: Girls, girls, girls
gottShar: Paul, Pookie and me
gottShar: My S'on (6)
gottShar: me and chris
gottShar: cupping (1)
gottShar: sooo tired
gottShar: IMG_0480
gottShar: Rahul
gottShar: Thomas and Rahul
gottShar: and lift, and pivot
gottShar: Paris Metro
gottShar: The flat is emptying out
gottShar: packed boxes
gottShar: at tokyo eat