gottShar: Corfu with Jess
gottShar: with sang-hee at cafe luzo
gottShar: SangHee taking my picture
gottShar: Sevilla
gottShar: in Spain
gottShar: Picture 549
gottShar: Train from Sevilla
gottShar: paella dinner.jpg
gottShar: Portugal train station
gottShar: in Tangiers, Morocco
gottShar: berber wear.jpg
gottShar: moroccan hotel hole in the wall
gottShar: barcelona
gottShar: in maastricht
gottShar: day before i left holland for home, i got a belly piercing
gottShar: harborside pool
gottShar: sky over WestHampton
gottShar: cape cod trip
gottShar: Harvey's nephew
gottShar: Betty and Harvey Fuchs
gottShar: Sharona, Betty and Diane
gottShar: with the bride