gottanew1: 1000
gottanew1: inflection
gottanew1: One this way two........... Xpo'd
gottanew1: Thru the looking glass
gottanew1: Reflection on Fall
gottanew1: Rinse
gottanew1: Guides
gottanew1: St Peters Quarry
gottanew1: The Place of the Goose
gottanew1: 21 S. Church St
gottanew1: Pebbles
gottanew1: Reflected Reflection Reflecting
gottanew1: flaw
gottanew1: steep)e
gottanew1: Everyone knows what Katydid
gottanew1: Tea for Two-Even if ones not invited
gottanew1: Refrecton
gottanew1: Double crossed
gottanew1: #30
gottanew1: Tat 2's
gottanew1: liquid
gottanew1: Sail away
gottanew1: Endless
gottanew1: I'd rather be dancin'
gottanew1: Boat house row--Philly
gottanew1: jg
gottanew1: trees
gottanew1: trough
gottanew1: The other side
gottanew1: Reflecting on beer