JBoogie2: You da man!
JBoogie2: Savta and Sophie
JBoogie2: Sheila and Sophie
JBoogie2: Super Grace
JBoogie2: Eldie and Sheila
JBoogie2: Momma and Grace
JBoogie2: Sophie's awesome cake
JBoogie2: The birthday girl
JBoogie2: Blue Eyes
JBoogie2: Paza offering Sophie a shoulder
JBoogie2: Uncle Joe
JBoogie2: Talk to you later
JBoogie2: Don't come after my fork
JBoogie2: Foxes and Gothelfs
JBoogie2: More Foxes and Gothelfs
JBoogie2: Babies!
JBoogie2: Little Babies
JBoogie2: Jake!
JBoogie2: Grace and her stuff
JBoogie2: Patty...loungin'
JBoogie2: Lindsey and Patty
JBoogie2: Jakers
JBoogie2: Grace, Abba and Rockefeller Center
JBoogie2: Smilers
JBoogie2: Keepin' warm
JBoogie2: Family Portrait
JBoogie2: Gotta keep my hood on