g0thamg1rl: Our dog Sunny; he's a ham
g0thamg1rl: I require 3 hours a day of playing
g0thamg1rl: Waaasupp??
g0thamg1rl: King of the Castle; this photo one a contest :-)
g0thamg1rl: Sunny's World
g0thamg1rl: SantaSunny
g0thamg1rl: Move over Chip N Dales
g0thamg1rl: The best ring bearer
g0thamg1rl: "Throw the ball Daddy!!!!"
g0thamg1rl: "Are we there yet?!"
g0thamg1rl: Pure Contentment
g0thamg1rl: "Mommy's getting married"
g0thamg1rl: Run, Sunny, Run!
g0thamg1rl: Too fast to catch on film
g0thamg1rl: Our (8 yr old) baby Sunny
g0thamg1rl: Playing catch in Central Park
g0thamg1rl: Hamming it up