gotbob: Stretching before a day at the office
gotbob: Bucking Chute in the ready position
gotbob: Cowboy Smack Talkin
gotbob: National Anthem
gotbob: Yeee Haw
gotbob: NEXT
gotbob: Some minor technical difficulties
gotbob: Oh no
gotbob: Don't Hold your breath
gotbob: That bull kicked my ass
gotbob: Saddle padding needed
gotbob: Very popular person
gotbob: Hi MOM!!!
gotbob: Oh that's gonna hurt
gotbob: That's not a saddle horn
gotbob: Sup partner?
gotbob: This is what 84 points looks like
gotbob: Now that my friend is 8 Seconds!!!
gotbob: Yee-haw git outta here
gotbob: JbarW Ranch Rodeo 122
gotbob: Wrong Side Up
gotbob: Wild Cow Milking
gotbob: Not a full ride