Gossamer1013: Gibson's Arrival
Gossamer1013: Gibson's First Bath
Gossamer1013: Gibson, Post Bath
Gossamer1013: Naptime.
Gossamer1013: Naptime, Interrupted
Gossamer1013: Posing
Gossamer1013: Bonding?
Gossamer1013: Slurp!
Gossamer1013: Halfway There
Gossamer1013: "Hi, There!"
Gossamer1013: Someone to Watch Over Me
Gossamer1013: Gibson Watching the TV
Gossamer1013: Kill Mousie
Gossamer1013: Eat Mousie
Gossamer1013: Love Mousie
Gossamer1013: Mousie
Gossamer1013: Bathtime
Gossamer1013: Shhh.
Gossamer1013: Stealing a Page from Mason's Playbook
Gossamer1013: Bored Now.
Gossamer1013: Getting His Glare On
Gossamer1013: "But I Could *Help* You Cook!"
Gossamer1013: "You Stuck Your Paw in the Mom's Pudding?"
Gossamer1013: Gibson's Seal Impersonation
Gossamer1013: More Slurping
Gossamer1013: New Toys
Gossamer1013: Sunbeam Bliss
Gossamer1013: "This is Not Happening."
Gossamer1013: The Tide Turns
Gossamer1013: "Oh, No You Didn't!"