Gossamer1013: Montgomery J. Tibbles, Jr.
Gossamer1013: Dinnertime
Gossamer1013: Mr. Tibbles and Percy Li
Gossamer1013: Three Brothers
Gossamer1013: Percy Li
Gossamer1013: Chillin'
Gossamer1013: The Cats of Old San Juan
Gossamer1013: Hank Makes the Hard Sell
Gossamer1013: Hank Only Looks Worried
Gossamer1013: Barney and His Cookbooks
Gossamer1013: The Ferd Smirk
Gossamer1013: Vegging
Gossamer1013: Lucy's Kids
Gossamer1013: Leaving Now.
Gossamer1013: Visitors!
Gossamer1013: Backyard Glareoff
Gossamer1013: Ferdinand Reigns Supreme
Gossamer1013: The Ferd Man
Gossamer1013: Frank
Gossamer1013: Button, Button, Who's Got the Button?
Gossamer1013: This is Not Hank
Gossamer1013: Not Hank Wakes Up
Gossamer1013: Gossamer Mom's New Employer, Loki
Gossamer1013: Gossamer Mom's Kitten, Stalking Something.
Gossamer1013: Dramatic Loki