Gossamer1013: Wild Thang
Gossamer1013: Hanging Lights, Part the Second
Gossamer1013: Hanging Lights, Part the First
Gossamer1013: Chloe Helps
Gossamer1013: Drinking Problem
Gossamer1013: Chloe Learns to Fetch
Gossamer1013: Chloe Gets Distracted
Gossamer1013: "Bored Now!"
Gossamer1013: Chloe Sets up Her e-Bay Account
Gossamer1013: A Guy Walks Into A Bar....
Gossamer1013: "Do You Like My Baby Teeth?"
Gossamer1013: Boo-Boo
Gossamer1013: "Seriously, you guys. Yellow?"
Gossamer1013: "You Brought Home a WHAT?!?"
Gossamer1013: Window Shopping
Gossamer1013: Stretch
Gossamer1013: Sleeping In
Gossamer1013: "Hey! I'm Napping Here!"
Gossamer1013: Chloe Helps
Gossamer1013: Crank the Bass
Gossamer1013: My Cats Yawn a Lot
Gossamer1013: Mine!
Gossamer1013: All Mine!
Gossamer1013: "Mmmph!"
Gossamer1013: "You may adore me now."
Gossamer1013: "I Have Seen the Light!"
Gossamer1013: Chloe Practices Making Faces, Part the First
Gossamer1013: Chloe Practices Making Faces, Part the Second
Gossamer1013: Chloe Practices Her Impersonations
Gossamer1013: Bad Habits