Cristian R-L: A Triangle in Philadelphia
Cristian R-L: IMG_2600
Cristian R-L: Philadelphia City Hall
Cristian R-L: Light at the end of the tunnel
Cristian R-L: IMG_2620 copy
Cristian R-L: Tadeusz Kosoiuszko
Cristian R-L: IMG_2635
Cristian R-L: Philly Urban Biker
Cristian R-L: Philly Cheesesteak
Cristian R-L: IMG_2643
Cristian R-L: IMG_2691
Cristian R-L: IMG_2694
Cristian R-L: Downtown Philadelphia
Cristian R-L: IMG_2705
Cristian R-L: IMG_2706
Cristian R-L: IMG_2713
Cristian R-L: Market St
Cristian R-L: tight parking
Cristian R-L: IMG_2730
Cristian R-L: center of equilibrium
Cristian R-L: RittenHouse1
Cristian R-L: RittenHouse2
Cristian R-L: RittenHouse3
Cristian R-L: RittenHouse4
Cristian R-L: RittenHouse5
Cristian R-L: RittenHouse6
Cristian R-L: RittenHouse7
Cristian R-L: from the rocky steps
Cristian R-L: Philadelphia Museum or Art - Steps