Gorupka: razgled z ganka / view from my terrace
Gorupka: razgled s cerkve / Tomaj view from the hill
Gorupka: Tomaj pomladi / springtime in Tomaj
Gorupka: Zimski vinogradi / winter vineyards
Gorupka: Jesenski vinogradi / Autumn vineyards
Gorupka: rainbows over my home
Gorupka: at the end of the rainbow
Gorupka: rainbows over Tomaj church
Gorupka: rainbows over Tomaj church
Gorupka: rainbow over my home
Gorupka: my "gank" in the evening sun
Gorupka: my terrace in the evening sun and rain
Gorupka: cloudy sunset over Tomaj vineyards
Gorupka: Tomaj church in white
Gorupka: Večerno sonce / Evening sun
Gorupka: Tomajske vitice
Gorupka: my home in Tomaj
Gorupka: Tomaj evening view from Godnje
Gorupka: Blue door in Tomaj
Gorupka: sunset over Tomaj
Gorupka: homegrown vegetables from my grandmother's garden
Gorupka: Tomaj view from the valley
Gorupka: Večerni razgled z ganka / Evening view from my balcony