g o r t (crazily busy): The goalkeeper
g o r t (crazily busy): My mother school
g o r t (crazily busy): We used to put all the forbidden things there...
g o r t (crazily busy): 大草地, 很久沒見!! It's been a long time...
g o r t (crazily busy): 我們的大草地 Our field, our memories.
g o r t (crazily busy): DBS Garden Fete 2009
g o r t (crazily busy): DBS Garden Fete 2009
g o r t (crazily busy): Outside or inside
g o r t (crazily busy): 如非必要, 請勿打擾
g o r t (crazily busy): This is my land.
g o r t (crazily busy): 被遺忘的一角
g o r t (crazily busy): remember the old days...