gorski_dh: In the evening you are with wide open eyes, feeling the smell of the summer, standing alone on the terrace
gorski_dh: Where is my Mind
gorski_dh: bagrablue mood
gorski_dh: Listen !
gorski_dh: The sea
gorski_dh: Captain, there is a ship on the horizon..
gorski_dh: Heibeliada
gorski_dh: Rainy day in Sofia
gorski_dh: Sad wolf
gorski_dh: Back to the coast
gorski_dh: 1st of January 3013. I am waiting for the end
gorski_dh: travelling back from Kitera
gorski_dh: My lovely window
gorski_dh: Saint Trinity shines
gorski_dh: Falling star
gorski_dh: Забравих за всичко. Качих се в моята бяла лодка.
gorski_dh: Where the snow builds silence
gorski_dh: Where is your mind...
gorski_dh: in the town we are just two cosmoses waiting for a spaceship
gorski_dh: I'm so far away from you. I'm a tiny speck on the sky canvas
gorski_dh: Magicland
gorski_dh: Good morning Day! I was hoping for you in the dark
gorski_dh: Thinking of the new year's presents
gorski_dh: Държа миналото над галактиките, да се открои. Но не мога да го скрия, аз съм само сянка.