gorriti: The last photo of a very short trip in time and a very long trip in my brain
gorriti: The Pride of a Nation
gorriti: Negative Building
gorriti: What feels like an M.C. Escher gone wrong
gorriti: Born in Firenze
gorriti: A post reflection
gorriti: The Post wants to break free
gorriti: Fractalitis
gorriti: A fella and his pet
gorriti: Tangent
gorriti: The Odd Couple
gorriti: Blame the plumbers
gorriti: The cobblestones knew something was brewing
gorriti: Gateways
gorriti: At the end of the road, despair awaits calmly
gorriti: The Near Side
gorriti: The Far Side
gorriti: Sinking Church in Cinemascope
gorriti: Boleadores
gorriti: Mind your Step
gorriti: Typography Lessons
gorriti: From Blue to Yellow with a Brisk Stop
gorriti: Wares from the Mexican Heartland
gorriti: Blinded by the Flag
gorriti: A Giant's Home
gorriti: Layers of Faith
gorriti: Biting the Border
gorriti: Owning
gorriti: Turtlespotting
gorriti: Holder of Hearts