gormjarl: Self portrait 1999
gormjarl: Magical animal
gormjarl: Happy New Year 2023
gormjarl: War is dangerous to all living things.
gormjarl: The end time is near
gormjarl: black hawk down
gormjarl: In this sweet Christmastime.
gormjarl: time for Christmas presents
gormjarl: The curse of the car
gormjarl: Dreaming of the magic of the past
gormjarl: girl in red
gormjarl: the guards
gormjarl: 1. mai 2022
gormjarl: unknown object from space?
gormjarl: light on foot
gormjarl: Jonas left the belly of the whale
gormjarl: holy shit
gormjarl: The Gorms looking at you
gormjarl: a future in exhaust
gormjarl: Watched
gormjarl: My friends
gormjarl: Im youst hanging around
gormjarl: leaving the body
gormjarl: Møllepubensbassangforening
gormjarl: Winter solstice. 2021
gormjarl: Pirat on the rock
gormjarl: Looing for girls
gormjarl: Reflection with Nikon
gormjarl: The impossible choice
gormjarl: three in one