gormjarl: Blond in black and white
gormjarl: Blond in black and white
gormjarl: Blond in color
gormjarl: Kennet in black and white
gormjarl: Girl in blue
gormjarl: Eldir in b&w
gormjarl: whats up doc???
gormjarl: granddaughter Charlotte
gormjarl: I love my crow
gormjarl: an old friend
gormjarl: a newborn life
gormjarl: Me in color II
gormjarl: Me in color
gormjarl: My friend Bjørnar in b&w
gormjarl: My friend Bjørnar
gormjarl: Ego in b&w
gormjarl: Viking friend
gormjarl: From this years vikingmarked
gormjarl: Viking in black and white
gormjarl: Ego in color IV
gormjarl: trippel friend
gormjarl: ego in color
gormjarl: Blond in black and white III
gormjarl: Ego in B&W IV
gormjarl: Ego with strangers
gormjarl: smile to the photograph
gormjarl: Eldir in b&w II
gormjarl: Blond in B&W
gormjarl: Ego with red sweater
gormjarl: Ego in color