gormjarl: Participants in this year's Viking market on the way to the big opening party. Thomas leads ann, behind him comes the chief of Agder Vikiglag Marianne.
gormjarl: Du kjøper bøkene ved å bruke denne linken:
gormjarl: Gorm also welcome
gormjarl: the smiths are discussing the iron
gormjarl: Gunnar
gormjarl: Ask Hovden
gormjarl: Lars and Gunnar
gormjarl: Lars Lewinsky
gormjarl: _DSC0014
gormjarl: A slave can also get tired
gormjarl: _DSC0060
gormjarl: trommelom
gormjarl: Eldir
gormjarl: Magnus Arctander and Erlend Fille Rye
gormjarl: Bærserken Gunnar
gormjarl: Gunnar demolishes Daffy
gormjarl: Lekegoden and Trollet lead the pockets of leather
gormjarl: just two left
gormjarl: _DSC0026
gormjarl: here the kids will climb aver the stick down over their back and up over their stomach before climbing back over the stall
gormjarl: It gets heavier nor grown men try on the same
gormjarl: Several climbing techniques that come in handy when the youth goes out to the Viking
gormjarl: Stian Bergdalsmo is a professional dancer, we see it on agility
gormjarl: Stian Bergdalsmo
gormjarl: Rune Daffy heim
gormjarl: Viking girl, the clothes reveal that she belongs to a powerful family
gormjarl: Erlend Fille Rye
gormjarl: _DSC0025
gormjarl: Magnus Arctander
gormjarl: Warriors also run with Glime wrestling