gormjarl: this year's poster made by Eldir
gormjarl: course with Hans Jonny Hansen
gormjarl: IMGbue
gormjarl: skinnkurs med Frank.
gormjarl: Hans Jonny and Gunnar, from this year's smikurs
gormjarl: Overview of the year's arrow and bow course, with Oddbjørn Fritzøe
gormjarl: Thomas
gormjarl: Brikkevev 1
gormjarl: Oviking market 12 years ago, it has grown since then.
gormjarl: Kirsten
gormjarl: Du kjøper bøkene ved å bruke denne linken:
gormjarl: Viking girls compete in line with the other archers
gormjarl: Concentration before the arrows move away
gormjarl: Here is the NRK that forces Kirsten.
gormjarl: Eldir Queen at Bronseplassen in the foreground
gormjarl: Some tourists came to see the market.
gormjarl: Sigmund and Kirsten
gormjarl: and the winner is Sigmund
gormjarl: Hans Gunnar and Anne Ma from Borre
gormjarl: Blomsterpiken
gormjarl: Vikings
gormjarl: Beserk 1
gormjarl: the drum comes with
gormjarl: Hans Jonny i kjent positur, savner deg.