gordonr: bayside cross
gordonr: B Group start line
gordonr: meshkat
gordonr: out of the saddle
gordonr: Brian
gordonr: in the drops
gordonr: jeffie
gordonr: proof i wasnt last
gordonr: time to get dry
gordonr: gun show
gordonr: Brian gets changed
gordonr: Duncan stays dry
gordonr: Pinner the Winner
gordonr: you can run
gordonr: dirty bike
gordonr: the start
gordonr: in the drops
gordonr: that bad remount again
gordonr: 11th through 13th
gordonr: hurdling the barricades
gordonr: what the competition saw
gordonr: B Men's start
gordonr: run up
gordonr: squishy corner
gordonr: barricade traffic jam