gordonjc: Trainline
gordonjc: Arran
gordonjc: Saltcoats Seafront
gordonjc: Stevenson seafront
gordonjc: Saltcoats Harbour
gordonjc: Ailsa Craig
gordonjc: Anchor
gordonjc: View across the harbour centred on the Apollo Cinema
gordonjc: Harvies leisure centre, Auchenharvie
gordonjc: Auchenharve golf course
gordonjc: Saltcoats from Stevenston shore
gordonjc: Stevenston from Auchenharvie Academy
gordonjc: Arran from Stevenston shore
gordonjc: Auchenharvie Academy
gordonjc: Stevenston from Stevenston shore
gordonjc: ICI Ardeer plant, Stevenston
gordonjc: ayr from stevenston shore
gordonjc: Irvine from Stevenston shore
gordonjc: Ardrossan wind farm
gordonjc: Wind turbine
gordonjc: Wind turbine
gordonjc: Ardrossan Harbour from wind farm
gordonjc: Wind farm access road
gordonjc: Busbie Muir Reservoir
gordonjc: Sheep at the windfarm
gordonjc: 1 year old Lesser Black Backed Gull
gordonjc: Lesser black-backed gull feeding
gordonjc: Gull chase
gordonjc: gulls feeding
gordonjc: Lesser black-backed gull in flight