TOOTLE.: Wick March 2014.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens,Scrabster August 2013.
TOOTLE.: Wick Harbour,Sept 2013.
TOOTLE.: Wick Harbour,Sept 2013.
TOOTLE.: Waiting for a load.
TOOTLE.: Some of D Stevens fleet having a rest.
TOOTLE.: Mechanics van,D Stevens Transport.
TOOTLE.: Stevens lorry Wick Harbour 2010.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens on a saturday, a wee rest before arrival of fish later.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens laid up for the night.
TOOTLE.: Another fine looking wagon,alway clean lookng.
TOOTLE.: D Steven transport
TOOTLE.: D Steven transport
TOOTLE.: D Steven transport
TOOTLE.: D Stevens at Wick harbour.
TOOTLE.: The smaller of D Stevens fleet.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens at harbour quay,Wick.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens at harbour quay,Wick.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens parked up in a diferent spot at Wick harbour.
TOOTLE.: D Steven and son,Wick Scotland.
TOOTLE.: D Steven and son,Wick Scotland.
TOOTLE.: D Steven and son,Wick Scotland.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens at Scrabster.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens at Scrabster.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens,harbour quay Wick.
TOOTLE.: Breakers yard.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens Wick.
TOOTLE.: D Stevens Wick.
TOOTLE.: D Steven and sons.
TOOTLE.: D Steven and sons new Scania.