Gordilly: Basker
Gordilly: Swainson's Hawk
Gordilly: Turkey Vulture
Gordilly: Coot, it's what's for dinner 6 of 6
Gordilly: Coot, it's what's for dinner 5 of 6
Gordilly: Coot, it's what's for dinner 4 of 6
Gordilly: Coot, it's what's for dinner 3 of 6
Gordilly: Coot, it's what's for dinner 2 of 6
Gordilly: Coot, it's what's for dinner 1 of 6
Gordilly: Sharp-shinned Hawk
Gordilly: Cooper's Hawk 1 of 4
Gordilly: Cooper's Hawk 2 of 4
Gordilly: Cooper's Hawk 3 of 4
Gordilly: Cooper's Hawk 4 of 4
Gordilly: Bald Eagle
Gordilly: Rough-legged Hawk
Gordilly: Rough-legged Hawk
Gordilly: Young Hunter
Gordilly: Bald Eagle
Gordilly: Subadult Eagle
Gordilly: Nice of you to drop in...
Gordilly: Adult Eagle
Gordilly: Immature Bald Eagle
Gordilly: Flying Hawk 2 of 2
Gordilly: Flying Hawk 1 of 2
Gordilly: Juvenile Red-tailed Hawk
Gordilly: King of the Forest
Gordilly: Sunbathing
Gordilly: Cooper's Hawk