gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel (I) Twelve proverbs, 1558. gedateerd. Antwerp, Museum Mayer van den Bergh, inv.:cat.nr.
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - She carries fire in one and water in the other hand
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - The more I try to hide the better known I become
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - To announce the own intentions in advance
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - To be jealous on the neighbours succes
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - To fish behind the net
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - To piss against the moon
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - To run one's head against a brick wall
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - To sit between two chairs
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel I - To throw pearls to the pigs
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel the elder - Playing the game of dice and alcoholism
gorbutovich: Pieter Bruegel the elder - to trim one's sails to the wind
gorbutovich: Bruegel I - To fill the well after the calf has drowned
gorbutovich: Detail 'twaalf spreuken op borden'_Pieter Bruegel I_1558
gorbutovich: 1001199271