gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Aerial view of the Louvre and the Tuileries Garden, 1953
gorbutovich: Caption from LIFE. "Cleaning painting, which is upside down, a Louvre restorer tackles the central portion of Gericault's gigantic canvas, The Raft of the Medusa."
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. A portrait of Jeanne d'Aragon by Raphael, Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Louvre, 1953
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Artists scrutinize their versions of a Titian portrait (left) and the Mona Lisa (right), Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Caption from LIFE. "Loading statue, worker places Roman carving of athlete on carriage to be taken to workshop where legs, put on by an earlier restorer, will be removed." Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. The Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Married couple and their young daughter view the crown of King Louis XV at the Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Venus de Milo, the Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Patrons view Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, the Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: Not originally published in LIFE. Children take notes during a discussion of ancient Greek pottery at the Louvre, 1953.
gorbutovich: louvre.fr Vierge à l'Enfant de la Sainte-Chapelle
gorbutovich: FRGOTDIVIVVIERG001
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