gorbutovich: Art and text adapted from ‘Mundus Subterreaneus’ by Athanasius Kircher - 1682
gorbutovich: Livre de la Vigne nostre Seigneur; France ~ ca.1450-1470
gorbutovich: 13335712_858909714215093_5733910127199849084_n
gorbutovich: The Fourth Rider of the Apocalypse, Thuringia ca. 1350-1370. BL, Add 15243, fol. 12r
gorbutovich: Stanislas Famin, Roman gladiator fighting a phallus with the head of a dog, Musée Royal de Naples, 1836
gorbutovich: Phallic objects related to the cult of Priapus found in England, 1883
gorbutovich: People and animals emerging from the earth, c. 1475
gorbutovich: 13419087_859951234110941_2651941996177143878_n
gorbutovich: Angels of Mars -Libro de Astromagia Biblioteca Vaticana ~13th century
gorbutovich: Fatima Ronquillo “Bound Hand with Lover’s Eye”
gorbutovich: 13512117_863935933712471_4993285031390902958_n
gorbutovich: 13502075_864962473609817_7237035487386603637_n
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Français 311 f25r. Le Miroir historial de Frere Vincent [de Beauvais], traduction de Jehan du Vignay (1455)
gorbutovich: Bayerische StaatsBibliothek. Rudolf -Weltchronik in Versen - Mischhandschrift aus Christ-herre-Chronik - BSB Cgm 5 c. 1370
gorbutovich: +book of hours, Savoie 15th century_Clermont-Ferrand, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 84, fol. 27r
gorbutovich: sign of Leo_Matfre Ermengau, Breviari d'amor, Occitania 14th century_BnF, Français 857, fol. 35v
gorbutovich: Les Grandes Heures du duc de Berry, Paris 1409_BnF, Latin 919, fol. 117r
gorbutovich: +lion musician_book of hours, Netherlands 15th century_British Library, Harley 2433, fol. 81r
gorbutovich: Illustration from a 15th-century edition of Tractatus novus de astronomia (New Treatise on Astronomy) by Ramon Llull. (World Digital Library)
gorbutovich: ‘The Taymouth Hours’, England 14th century_British Library, Yates Thompson 13, fol. 140r
gorbutovich: 13567066_868378246601573_1637386823566620923_n
gorbutovich: Bodleian Library, MS. Auct. D. 4. 14, f. 035r (Rev.XIII, 7. The Beast being worshipped). Apocalypse. England, beginning of the 14th century.
gorbutovich: book of hours, Flanders ca. 1300_Cambridge, Trinity College B.11.22, fol. 118v
gorbutovich: +Decretum Gratiani with the commentary of Bartolomeo da Brescia, Toulouse ca. 1340-1350 Avignon, Bibliothèque municipale, ms. 659, fol. 2r
gorbutovich: Stephan Michelspacher. Cabala, Speculum Artis Et Naturae In Alchymia. 1654
gorbutovich: Albrecht Dürer, De scientia motvs orbis, c. 1504
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Latin 919 detail of f.82r. Horae ad usum Parisiensem [Grandes Heures de Jean de Berry]. 1400-1410
gorbutovich: 13592385_870524679720263_3103689099743278831_n
gorbutovich: Georg Balthasar Probst. Les Pyramides de l'Egypte. Augsburg, ca. 1750-1800
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France. FM ICONOGR Atlas 2