gorbutovich: Vie de Saint Denis - BNF Fr2090 f.41r
gorbutovich: Vie de Saint Denis - BNF Fr2090 f.45r
gorbutovich: Vie de Saint Denis - BNF Fr2090 f.48v
gorbutovich: Vie de Saint Denis - BNF Fr2090 f.78v
gorbutovich: L'Epistre d'Othea, c.1450-1475, The Hague, KB, 74 G 27, f. 64r Koninklijke Bibliotheek National Library of the Netherland_The judgement of Paris
gorbutovich: Évrart de Conty, Les Échecs amoureux, France 1496-1498 (BnF, Français 143, fol. 136v)_in the court of Pluto and Proserpina
gorbutovich: монстры
gorbutovich: To increase his city & line, Cadmus took a wife Hermione, royal, fair_BL Royal 14 C VII f.123v
gorbutovich: The Talbot Shrewsbury book (Roman d'Alexandre en prose), c. 1444-1445, Royal MS 15 E VI, f. 17r, The British library
gorbutovich: The Talbot Shrewsbury book (Roman d'Alexandre en prose), c. 1444-1445, Royal MS 15 E VI, f. 17r, The British library_
gorbutovich: Évrard de Conty,Échecs amoureux. France (Cognac), c. 1496-1498
gorbutovich: +157r - Pan -- BNF, Manuscrits, français 143 Évrard de Conty,Échecs amoureux. France (Cognac), c. 1496-1498. Artist- Robinet Testard
gorbutovich: Пан
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Français 9197, detail of f. 181v (Bacchus) Evrart de Conty, Le livre des échecs amoureux. Flanders, 15th century. Artist- Maître d’Antoine Rolin
gorbutovich: Évrard de Conty, Échecs amoureux. France (Cognac), c. 1496-1498. Artist- Robinet Testard
gorbutovich: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Mss, fr. 289, f. 414 v
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Smith-Lesoüef 8, f. 12r (decans of Sagittarius). Zothorus, Liber astrologia. France, end of the 15th century
gorbutovich: British Library, Add MS 62925, detail of f. 58v. Psalter, Use of Sarum (‘The Rutland Psalter’). c. 1260
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, Français 64, detail of f. 234r (birth of Julius Caesar) Faits des Romains. Paris, c. 1460-1465. Artist- Maître de Coëtivy
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des manuscrits, italien 81, detail of f. 177r (constellation of Andromeda). Fazio degli Uberti , II Dittamondo, with the commentary of Andrea Morena da Lodi. 1447
gorbutovich: The Nativity
gorbutovich: Royal 6 E.IX, f.30
gorbutovich: Detail of a miniature of Mars and Venus being discovered in bed by Vulcan, from the ‘Roman de la Rose’, France (Paris?), c. 1380, Egerton MS 881, f. 126r
gorbutovich: Book of Hours, Flight into Egypt_Fall of Idol, Walters Manuscript W.279, fol. 95v
gorbutovich: Judgement of Paris. Bucolics, Georgics, and the Aeneid., c. 1450 - 1460, MS 694, f. 61v, Riccardiana Library of Florence
gorbutovich: Bucolics, Georgics, and the Aeneid., c. 1450 - 1460, MS 694, f. 61v, Riccardiana Library of Florence
gorbutovich: L'Epistre d'Othea, c.1450-1475, The Hague, KB, 74 G 27, f. 64r Koninklijke Bibliotheek National Library of the Netherland_The judgement of Paris
gorbutovich: Johannes Camaterus, De re astronomica, 1564
gorbutovich: 965815_592920977440884_657760700_o
gorbutovich: The Hague, KB, 74 G 27, f. 83r (‘Daphne, pursued by Apollo, changes into a laurel-tree’). Christine de Pisan, L’Epistre d’Othea. Auvergne(_); c. 1450-1475