gorbutovich: "Dante e Virgilio alle porte della Città di Dite", illustrazione tratta dalla 'Divina Commedia' (Italia meridionale, seconda metà del XIV secolo), Bodleian Library, Oxford
gorbutovich: Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Siena ca. 1444-1450 (British Library, Yates Thompson 36, fol. 161r)_the Heaven of Jupiter
gorbutovich: Rylands Medieval Collection. Dante, Divina commedia. Commentary by Cristoforo Landino (1424-1504). Florence - Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus 1481
gorbutovich: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Italien 2017, detail of f. 250v (Virgil parleying with demons). Dante, Inferno. Milan, c. 1440
gorbutovich: "Dante e Virgilio alle porte della Città di Dite", illustrazione tratta dalla 'Divina Commedia' (Italia meridionale, seconda metà del XIV secolo), Bodleian Library, Oxford
gorbutovich: Dante and Virgil meet Muhammad in the eighth circle of Hell (Inferno, Canto XXVIII)Dante Alighieri, Divina Commedia, Genoa 14th century (Bodleian Library, MS. Holkham misc. 48, p. 42)
gorbutovich: «A sinner is attacked by a dragon.» Divina Commedia, c. 1st half of the 14th century, Egerton MS 943, f. 45r, The British Library.
gorbutovich: Yates Thompson 36 f. 165 Heaven of Saturn
gorbutovich: Yates Thompson 36, f.165
gorbutovich: +Yates Thompson 36 f. 179 The Light
gorbutovich: +Yates Thompson 36 f. 179 The Light
gorbutovich: Yates Thompson 36 f. 132 Beatrice
gorbutovich: entrata purgatorio
gorbutovich: Domenico di Michelino – Dante and his Poem – Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence – c1465
gorbutovich: Domenico_di_Michelino_-_Dante_and_the_Three_Kingdoms_-_WGA06421
gorbutovich: Dante Alighieri, La Commedia (“Dante Estense”), Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, ms. alfa.r.4.8=Ita.474, XIV sec., codice membranaceo, Dante incontra Virgilio