gorbutovich: Wine making scenes (Normandy, 12th century - Den Haag, Königliche Bibliothek)
gorbutovich: +September harvest, France 1539 (calendrier à éphémérides)
gorbutovich: +Foulage and entonnage (Livre d'Heures Jean Marion, 1500)
gorbutovich: Vendange & Entonnage (Grandes Heures de Rohan, Anjou 1430)
gorbutovich: +Wine pruning, Loire or Paris region - early 16th century (Livre d'Heures de Catherine de Medicis)
gorbutovich: Vineyard tools traité d'Astrologie 1510
gorbutovich: Pressoir Mystique (mystical press), Bible moralisée, Provence 1485-1493)
gorbutovich: + Cooper closing a cask (Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis, Bologne 1385)
gorbutovich: Pergola training, 1385 Bologne, Niccolo-student, Forli
gorbutovich: Meal with red wine (Grandes heures d'Anne de Bretagne, Tours 1505 -detail)i
gorbutovich: Bad & good manners (Valerius Maximus, Facta et dicta memorabilia, Bruges 1475)
gorbutovich: An étuve or public bath in the 14th-15th century
gorbutovich: Another étuve where couples experience the whole range of pleasures including wine (undated)
gorbutovich: Bath, food & drink in the sleeping room (15th century)
gorbutovich: Tasting the new wine, Ibn Butlan, Lombardia 1395
gorbutovich: Tasting of aromatic old wines, Rhenania (Rhine valley) 1445
gorbutovich: Tavern table, Rhenania 1445
gorbutovich: Wine on a terrace, Lombardia 1395
gorbutovich: Carousal in a tavern, Flanders 1455
gorbutovich: Women drinking (Watriquet de Couvin 1325)
gorbutovich: Drunk and fighting
gorbutovich: Tavern doorstep (Tacuinum sanitatis, Lombardia 1395)
gorbutovich: Cellar (Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis, Bologna 1385)
gorbutovich: + Tavern cellar (Tacuinum sanitatis, Lombardia 1395
gorbutovich: +Musée de Cluny - Tapisserie Les Vendanges (15th century)
gorbutovich: Altarpiece detail (Jan de Molder, Antwerp, 1513-1514
gorbutovich: An apostle pouring some wine
gorbutovich: Cherubims & holy grapes
gorbutovich: Bacchus (Livre des echecs amoureux - Hainaut - late 15th century)
gorbutovich: September. Grape Harvest. Ermengol de Beziers, Breviare d'Amour. Fol. 59r. Provencal codex. France, 13th c.Biblioteca Real, El Escorial, Madrid, Spain