gorbutovich: 1493 Michel Wolgemut, Wilhelm Pleydenwurff Nuremberg chronicles f 41r 3
gorbutovich: Bernardino Pinturicchio(c1454-1513).The Return of Odysseus.Fresco transferred to canvas, 1509,124 x 146 cm, National Gallery (London, United Kingdom)
gorbutovich: Detail of a miniature of Odysseus blinding the Cyclops, from Christine de Pizan’s The Book of the Queen, France (Paris), c. 1410 – c. 1414, Harley MS 4431, f. 105r
gorbutovich: Detail of a miniature of Odysseus, Nestor, Diomedes, and Achilles, from the Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César, Italy (Naples), c. 1330 – c. 1340, Royal MS 20 D I, f. 131v
gorbutovich: Detail of a miniature of the Trojan Horse, from a manuscript of Virgil & Pseudo-Ovid, Italy (Rome), between 1483 and 1485, King’s MS 24, f. 73v
gorbutovich: Detail of a miniature of Ulysses’ dream, from Raoul Lefèvre’s Le recoeil des histoires de Troyes, Netherlands (Bruges), c. 1475 – c. 1483, Royal MS 17 E II, f. 372v
gorbutovich: Detail of the Trojan Horse at the gates of Troy, from John Lydgate’s Troy Book, England (probably London), 1457 – c. 1530, Royal MS 18 D II, f. 75r
gorbutovich: Odysseus (Ulysses) playing chess in his tent on a 5 x 6 chequered board. Christine de Pisan, L'Epistre d'Othea, dated 1450-1475. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague, the Netherlands, KB, 74 G 27, Fol. 79r
gorbutovich: Woodcut illustration of Circe and Odysseus with men transformed into animals
gorbutovich: Michael Wolgemut - Odysseus and Circe
gorbutovich: Ulysse séduit par les sirènes Roman de Troie Benoît de Sainte-Maure, auteur, Venise ou Padoue, vers 1340-1350. BnF, Manuscrits, français 782 fol. 197
gorbutovich: Woodcut illustration of Odysseus's return to Penelope
gorbutovich: Blinding of Polyphemus
gorbutovich: lotophages_Théodore Van Thulden. Les travaux d'Ulysse. Ulysse au pays des Lotophage. Gravure. 1633
gorbutovich: Theodore Van Thulden. Les Travaux d'Ulysse. Ulysse pillant la ville des Ciconiens. Gravure. 1633
gorbutovich: 01. Troy
gorbutovich: 02. Ismara (Cicones) cicones_enlarged
gorbutovich: 03. The Island of Lotus Eaters
gorbutovich: 04. The island of Polyphemus (Cyclops)
gorbutovich: 05. Aeolia
gorbutovich: 06. Telepylos Odysseus_bei_den_Laestrygonen
gorbutovich: 07. Aeaea (Circe) Salomon_de_Bray_-_Odysseus_and_Circe_-_WGA03144
gorbutovich: 08. The Underworld
gorbutovich: 09. The Sirens
gorbutovich: 10. Scylla and Charybdis
gorbutovich: 11. Thrinacia (Helios and his daughters) Pellegrino_Tibaldi
gorbutovich: 12. Odysseus_and_Calypso
gorbutovich: 13. Odysseus_and_Nausicaa
gorbutovich: 14. Pinturicchio,_Return_of_Odysseus
gorbutovich: Funerary Proto-Attic Amphora. Odysseus and his men blinding the cyclops Polyphemus. Detail of the neck. circa 660 BC